Well I got up this morning and was looking forward to seeing some old faces at clinic and meeting up with a good cf friend.
I had planned on stopping in at my brothers work and dropping off my passport so his partner could sign my photo which he had forgotten to do and was gonna pick it up on my way home.
Well that didn't happen :( I grabbed my coffee at Tim Hortons and headed out of town, the sun was in a real nasty spot and couldn't see crap, all sudden this lady in front of me stopped and I couldn't even see her brake lights.....well you can guess what happened next...yupp whamoo! It didn't do much damage to my truck. So we had to wait for the police and fill out a report. So I never managed to get out of town till 10 :( I managed to make it to St Mikes by 11:30, had to do routine blood work which included an extra vile for a study they were doing for bacteria found in cfers blood and which also affect the lungs. I asked if it was necessary as I have new lungs lol and they said it would still work for the study. ohh well was just an extra vile. Im use to having my blood sucked, I would be a total hoar for a vampire lmao!
After blood work I went back up and had to wait in the waiting room again. I was then call for pfts then back to the waiting room. My friend Michelle and her husband showed up. We got to sit and chat and exchange books :) So we all waited and waited, they left for some food and I followed shortly after for a Tim Hortons run, that was 3:00. I came back to the waiting room and sat some more. I didn't get called into a room till after 4pm. I sat in there till 5:30 when I was finally. It wasn't much, it was the same dr that I deal with at TGH, I was really wanted to see Dr T but this is the second time there and still didn't get to see her :(
I didn't get out of St.Mikes till close to 6pm. They were also gonna give me my flu shot but it apparently wasn't where it was suppose to be so they didn't wanna hold me up any longer.
I didn't get home till just after 8p, What a long long day.
I sure hope tomorrow is alot better!
Oh Wow, Sean.. that sucks.. Hope you're okay! I hate driving around sundown, especially if my interior windshield is dirty (which is invariably) because it does make visibility BRUTAL.