Its Thursday and my last day of the week for my post transplant physio. I'm counting down the days till I'm done. Apparently they told me they go for the 3 month time line from day of transplant and not day of starting up in the treadmill room. It was a pleasant surprise considering I thought I would be there till the end of June. When actually ill be done mid may when I do my 3 month transplant assessment. Which I cant believe is coming up so fast. Where does the time go? That is only 3 weeks left of physio....9 more physio appts lol. Can you tell there is a countdown happening lmao. Physio has been going awesome. Im up to strength level 7 on the bike (pre I was between 2.5-3.5) the treadmill I'm up to 3 mph and a grade of 3%. Denise asked me yesterday if I wanted to jog? I'm like on the treadmill? she says no outside. So I say no, i've never been a jogger. I said I have a bike at home ill be riding so she said they would concentrate more on the exercise bike.I have yet to make it to the Y, I will probably be going after I'm done physio so I have some more spare time. I'm also thinking of finding or returning to some part time work after my 3 month assessment is done. Seeing as I wont be overwhelmed with all the dr appts.As my other cf post transplant friend, I found a great women who supports me and understands all I'm going thru. Things have been going great with her. Got to meet her kids a few weeks ago and they all love me lol. Its great to be able to go outside and keep up with them and all their energy.Easter weekend was great! Spent most of it staying at my gf's then Easter Sunday we took her daughters to the park here in Midland then came back here for an Easter lunch bbq...which was sort of a fail as ran out of propane half way thru cooking burgers...isn't that always the way.I'm still amazed at everything I can do now, you don't realize how sick you are till after the fact. And now I think about it its scary as hell!Got out in the garage too and got some work on the jeep done, mostly cutting and grinding old rusted bolts off pieces of the body. I think I found a body for my jeep so hopefully it comes thru and I can possibly be driving it again this summer...its been so long hell 2 years now :( plus I miss driving standard lol.
Well I think I'm gonna wrap it up here, have to get ready to hit the road for TGH.
Have a good day all!