Saturday, October 2, 2010

One Month

Well today marks one month of being on the waiting list. Where does the time go? Its funny how the older you get the faster time seems to slip by, does anyone else notice this. I mean look at summer it seems we just started and now its over, the leaves are already changing and falling off the trees. Every time I see a leaf fall off the tree I think on Monty Python and the Meaning of life of the leaves falling off the tree and screaming hahaha.

There is not much new to report. Exercise is going good, this coming Tuesday will be my first one in Orillia so we will see how that goes. Money is starting to get tight care of ODSP and all the traveling back and forth to the city. I still have not received my first mileage cheque, they seem to like to take their time. Its crazy the amount of gas I go thru and the parking fees are crazy. One week cost me almost $160 its crazy (btw that not just parking its parking and fuel)
Well on a better note it seems I have my blood sugars right under control, I think it was a combination of finding a new amount for my long term insulin and exercise. Ive been able to get back to my sugary snacks hehehe as long as everything is labeled so I know exactly what to take for insulin and not guessing.
So I think that's about all for now folks.

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