Monday, March 28, 2011

A postive day

Today has started out wonderful. My 2 chest tubes barely drained at all overnight which was a relief :) So the Dr called for an x ray and 9am then when I got back they looked at the x ray and made the decision that both tubes can come out woohoo! Its so much more comfortable without these tubes hanging out of me. I feel like a free man lol. I then asked when I will get discharged and they said not for a couple of days, the only reason is cause of all the problems I had with the left side chest tube and leakage. When they first install the tubes they leave a stitch in that is loose so when the tube is pulled the pull the stitch tight to seal the hole where the tube is and help heal, well with the left side leaking so much they had to use that stitch last week to tighten the tube into my chest to stop the leakage. So today when the pulled it they did have anything to pull the hole close tight so the had to pack it with dressing. So they just want to keep an eye on the dressing but don't want to change it for 48 hours. So although I don't get to go home today its in the very near future, Wednesday I'm planning as long as there is no complications which I don't see happening, fingers crossed. The funny thing when the pulled the tubes I figured the left side would of been more painful seeing as it has been in there since Feb 25th but it no where as painful as the right side, hell I was almost in tears when they were tightening the stitches on the right side. But its all over now.

They then booked me another x ray after the chest tubes were out. Id imagine everything looked good cause the Dr never came back in. I am truly surprised if I'm not radioactive yet with all the x rays Ive been doing since Ive been in here lol.

While I was waiting for the porter to bring me back to my room after my last xray I started going through my records binder and noticed wrong info, they had my family Dr listed as Dr Freitag which was my old CF clinic dr when I attended Mcmaster University now 2 years ago, I have no idea where they got that info? There was no mention of my St Mikes CF Dr which I am now using. So I had to correct them on my family Dr in Midland. Guess it was a good thing I got nosey and checked things out lol.

Other then that, Ive been walking all over the hospital today, went up and visited them in the treadmill room and see about getting my appts set up for physio next week but they wanna wait to see when I have to come for clinic. So they can book the same day to save trips. They said I wont be able to get all afternoon appt's some will be 10:30am. so there will be a few early mornings.

I'm really looking forward to getting back home. I was gonna go to my moms for a few days but seeing as Ive been here for a month Ive been able to get pretty mobile and the drugs are not giving me and side effects so I think I'm just gonna go back to my own house. My roommate is there if I do run into needing any help. I am truly too independent and have been most of my life.

This morning I was sitting here chatting with my GF about things I'm looking forward to doing this summer like getting a nice veggie garden going. Already have the cottage booked for the second last week of August, so looking forward to that alot. Ive missed out on the cottage for the last 2 years but seems even longer then that. Being up there is like being able to hang out with my dad. Just hopefully its still warm, usually by then it starts getting pretty cool at night and 6 am fishing is kinda chilly and unproductive lol. But fingers crossed. I'm really hoping my gf can make it up so she can see how much of a relaxing and calming place it is :) Plus get to spend a nice week together!

Other then that I'm on the search again for a body for my jeep and hope I can get that back on the road by the summer to enjoy some topless sunny drives. Think I will still have to hold off awhile with all the offroading till I'm fully recovered but I still have the urge to drive it.

There is gonna be so much new experiences, life is gonna be grand. And even getting back to the normal life of not being attached to O2.


  1. Wow I just got caught up and I cannot believe how much you have been through - simply amazing. You must be very strong to have survived it and keep up your sense of humor. Best of luck, I hope you feel better with each passing day and can go home on Wednesday :)

  2. Speaking as one person who scored a second chance at life to another, live it like there's no tomorrow. I pass on my mantra: Today is the last day of my life.... so far. Not meant to be a downer, but meant to remind that every day should be lived like your last.
